This series consists of correspondence, reports, and other subject files pertaining to various aspects of the policy, program functions, and activities of the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) and its predecessor, the National Highway Safety Bureau (NHSB). The series was maintained by the Office of the Executive Secretariat. The bulk of the records are correspondence and other documents of the administrator of the NHTSA and his predecessor, the director of the NHSB. Also included are some records of their deputies and other senior officials. Included is both internal correspondence and correspondence with external persons and organizations such as other government organizations, members of Congress, activists and interest groups, individuals such as Steve McQueen and Billy Graham, and members of the general public.
The main subjects of the records are Administration (ADM), External Relationships (EXT), Organization and Functions (ORG), Personnel (PER), Public Relations (PR), Financial Management (FIN), Legal and Legislative matters (LEG), Motor Vehicle Safety Programs (MV), Traffic Safety Programs (HY), and Research and Technology (RT). Some of the many specific topics include agency budgets and appropriations; NHTSA relations with other government agencies and with private organizations; committees, councils, boards and task forces; traffic accidents; drunk driving; school bus safety; motorcycle safety; ambulances; experiments with the use of helicopters for transporting traffic accident victims to hospitals; experimental safety vehicles; crash survivability studies; the National Transportation Needs Study; meetings, conferences, and expositions; and improvements to safety-related automobile technology.